there are three main styles of music that weave together the structure of the capoeira roda.
- Angola roda
- bengela roda
- regional Roda
The Angola roda represents the most strict and traditional format for capoeira, the game that played called "the insde out side game" it meens the player's must think how to get inside the opponent and out side,like chess, the capoeira music in the angola goes very very slowly.
The Bangela Roda represent the middle game it's go's between the Angola and the regional, the rhythm music become more faster then Angola but slower then regional.
The Regional is the more common form of Capoeira Regional was developed by Mestre Bimba to make capoeira more effective and bring it closer to its fighting origins, and less associated with the criminal elements of Brazil. The Capoeira Regional style is often considered to consist of faster and more athletic play than the more traditional Capoeira Angola.
the music that played at the Regional roda are faster and alot of energy is created.